Ferrari and Red Bull discussed Alfa Romeo plan

D Walker

I watched a bit of the 2nd qualifying today and there was mention of a "commercially viable engine" bid, Christian Horner thinks it is a positive step as Red Bull had been quoted 20-30 million for an engine which in his words was "ludicrous".
Possibly interesting times ahead in F1.


This is, as I understand it, all sorted. RB have set up and engine workshop in their factory and Mario Illien (half of Ilmor which became Mercedes in Brixworth) has been working on the Renault engine for the last 9 months. It was this team who developed the Mexico engine upgrade. RB have done a deal with Renault to share the IP of the engine block and internals and will now develop the engine independent of Renault under the Infinity brand. Renault will use the cash to finance the take over of Lotus.

Still, would have been nice to have an Alfa engine back, even if it wouldn't be a flat 12 and mostly broken....