plastic bleed valve



the Alfas been of the road for a week now. It suddenly over heated, so stopped to let it cool down. Found the cooling system had no water and only signs of a leak was under a pipe with no split or loose join.

Noticed a bleed screw valve in the pipe which was still in place, went to take it out and the valve head with the rubber seal just came off, leaving the thread part in the pipe :frusty5: issue found !

called Alfa - seems you have to get the complete pipe, you can't get just the bleed valves

has anyone else had this issue and if so how did you fix it ? Alfa also don't have a hose in stock. I got thread part out...

any suggestions as I want to get the car to the garage to be checked

pic of valve (good one / broken one)
valve screw.jpg


Seem to remember something on my old forum about a chap that was offering metal bleed screws as the plastic ones would pop eventually, pretty much got shouted down for posting about it, but seems like a few have had the same issue.


thanks will look into this.... its a small part that has taken the car off the road - if a common problem then why don't Alfa sell a pack of valve.... ..


thanks will look into this.... its a small part that has taken the car off the road - if a common problem then why don't Alfa sell a pack of valve.... ..

Cos that's not the Italian way, you knows that hehe ;)


Special case
That is a Fiat part; I'm wrakking my noggin to recall which of mine I changed it on, maybe more than one!

Probably the Ulysses!

Try Fiat for the loose part but I have made at least one of those previously, it is fairly easy to find a matching button head or allen screw; use a dremmel to cut a grove up the side and fit an O-ring. A button head will likely have a better spread on it to do the job.


Cos that's not the Italian way, you knows that hehe ;)

yep I know..... how is Jess ?

That is a Fiat part; I'm wrakking my noggin to recall which of mine I changed it on, maybe more than one!

Probably the Ulysses!

Try Fiat for the loose part but I have made at least one of those previously, it is fairly easy to find a matching button head or allen screw; use a dremmel to cut a grove up the side and fit an O-ring. A button head will likely have a better spread on it to do the job.

thanks Newton, tried a few but all have a large screw thread. so ended up cutting abit of rubber to the size to fit the hole and tape-it in.... I know I know but only need it to get me to the dealers. about 20ish miles.... about a mile away and it gave up - think the it did OK getting this far. we let it cool down and limped the last mile to the dealer....

now just waiting for the call to see what poss damage may have been done


Jess is fine thank you sir, ever reliable. Gonna try and upgrade her from 2.5 to a 3.0 later on this year :)

Hope you get yours sorted soon, with no damage done :)


New Member
It's the water jacket across the front of the engine, most Fiat group diesels have the the same idea, but the older 2.4 JTD which you'll find in the scrappies now WILL have the metal bleed screw of the size you want, OR use a bolt with silicone sealant on the treads, it will do the same job and be a lot easier to find.