Its starting to look like.......

Joe 1968

New Member
Also .. under the heading of the humour.. jokes and off topic .. would it work if the was sub categories .. for instance .. chat threads .. jokes section .. general off topic .. just trying to think of a way to appease everyone .. basically if you dont like random daftness say amd all you want is jokes then you dont have it thrust in your face and can ignore that area of the forum ?

I think the top poster seems to be a bug bear for quite a few on here .. perhaps not having that as a side bar ? Like I said previously .. I close mine off along with the latest threads for a cleaner less fussy look .. :)


Junior Member
Any way to have the last / latest threads from the technical section shown in the side bar Matt ?

I was thinking the same thing.
Is it possible to set the sidebar up so that 'off topic' threads are omitted from the sidebar ?


Forum Owner
Any way to have the last / latest threads from the technical section shown in the side bar Matt ?

Good idea or how about exclude the humour section from the side bar, that could work. Thanks Joe.

Sorry BD just seen your later comment.


New Member
I don't think Not-AO is a strong enough premise, personally.

A fresh start is great, but you do that by making up new stuff that is interesting to look at, not just pulling faces at the stuff you personally don't find interesting.

If you build it, they will come.

Happy Man

New Member
I don't think Not-AO is a strong enough premise, personally.

A fresh start is great, but you do that by making up new stuff that is interesting to look at, not just pulling faces at the stuff you personally don't find interesting.

If you build it, they will come.

That is exactly what we are trying to do BD, we are taking all of the "constructive criticism" and trying to build a forum to suit our members.

I'm looking forward to summer meets like Auto Italia where we can all meet face to face.


New Member
I personally quite like the sidebar - it gives one a 'feel' of the forum, and is good for a quick glance. Atm, it's evenly balanced in the way of tech/chat, so can't see it would put off any potential members. Weaker threads with no interest will always die anyway - for example, I could start a thread off called 'hot footballers' but it more than likely wouldn't be a hit (not that I'm going to....well not today, anyway!) ;)

Everyone wants different things from SA, that's been evident. It should definitely not try to be like any other forum - just be itself.
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New Member
I havent been on here for a while because it wasnt a nice place to be. Within a few days of launch people had started slagging other forums and each other off and, predictably, it was by the people who i suspected it would come from first. Well done chaps, you didnt disappoint and you thoroughly lived up to your childish reputations

Admin, i dont mean this to sound as nasty as it probably will but hey ho. AO is the oldest and biggest non-AROC forum/club going, it doesnt matter how hard you try, a new place will always be compared to it or compared against it. I want any place to be successful mainly because a change is as good as a rest most of the time. One way to be sure of this place being a hit is to deal with the people that are only here to drag up ancient issues and grudges that they have no intention of letting go. Case in point VVV

you make established trolls/baiters from AO moderators on here and guess what you end up with....

Biggy, you clearly have issues with someone from your past. Stop being such a diva and get over yourself. You are nothing but a trouble maker, if you think i am wrong then prove me wrong. All i have seen from you so far is bitching, whining, moaning and shite stirring. I know you can be a decent guy so how about dropping the victimised act and help the place out rather than cause friction?

Honestly, this place so far, has the worst parts of both alfaowner and alfadriver. My idea of ****


New Member
Well I've got a grudge with a couple of people but tbh I can't be ****** with them anymore life's too short and don't really give a **** about AO AD SA pettiness there are pricks on all the forums in the end of the day they are but forums and it only matters to me what friends I've made in real life from these. So SA you are what you are and hopefully you will be suscessful but it takes time lots of time but stick with it.
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New Member
I havent been on here for a while because it wasnt a nice place to be. Within a few days of launch people had started slagging other forums and each other off and, predictably, it was by the people who i suspected it would come from first. Well done chaps, you didnt disappoint and you thoroughly lived up to your childish reputations

Admin, i dont mean this to sound as nasty as it probably will but hey ho. AO is the oldest and biggest non-AROC forum/club going, it doesnt matter how hard you try, a new place will always be compared to it or compared against it. I want any place to be successful mainly because a change is as good as a rest most of the time. One way to be sure of this place being a hit is to deal with the people that are only here to drag up ancient issues and grudges that they have no intention of letting go. Case in point VVV

Biggy, you clearly have issues with someone from your past. Stop being such a diva and get over yourself. You are nothing but a trouble maker, if you think i am wrong then prove me wrong. All i have seen from you so far is bitching, whining, moaning and shite stirring. I know you can be a decent guy so how about dropping the victimised act and help the place out rather than cause friction?

Honestly, this place so far, has the worst parts of both alfaowner and alfadriver. My idea of ****

well said gaz, im sure when we all settle down the trollong etc will stop, no one wants SA to be a clone of AO.....its individual and stand alone, it will be compared thats only human nature and people will come in and try and cause trouble but as long as we are all sensible these people will soon get fed up when they dont get the reaction they want

i like it here, its my little haven from a very hard work life

long live SA


New Member
Well I've got a grudge with a couple of people but tbh I can't be ****** with them anymore life's too short and don't really give a **** about AO AD SA pettiness there are pricks on all the forums in the end of the day they are but forums and it only matters to me what friends I've made in real life from these. So SA you are what you are and hopefully you will be suscessful but it takes time lots of time but stick with it.

another good post, leigh ....we have been mates for ages, brought together by a mutual love of alfas, i count you and the family as some of my best buds, you have supported me thru some really bad stuff and for that i will be eternally grateful

i totally agree with your post, life is too short to get involved in pettyness and nastiness.....IGNORE is the best word for getting thru


New Member
I just want to have a bit of fun on here, I really don't have time for deliberately unfriendly people who just want to make themselves look big. I don't know if I'm included in any of the 'grudges' people seem to have but I don't give a ****. This is a new forum, leave all that **** at the door for gods sake. I have enough to deal with IRL without this online sniping and nastiness that goes on.


New Member
pat, i cant see how you would ever be one of the grudges, you are a fab bloke and we value your posts and are always welcome here, ignore the bad bits and enjoy the good bits xxx


Junior Member
Apologies if some of the posts I made were out of order.
I am more than capable of acting like a child on occasions.

Sorry Tess :shy1:


New Member
thanx for that apology biggie, appreciate it, you have upset a few folk on here already which is a shame, i know sometimes you just want a laugh but peeps sometimes dont get nice now please.......or else:battered:


Forum Owner
Well, I do think we are starting to move forward here....its only been 10 days and we are all trying to find our feet and I would rather get these teething problems out of the way early.

Looking at the sidebar, the posts have turned to a more Alfa focus and that is without me 'Ring Fencing' the Humour section from the sidebar which I am planing to do but we are flat out at the moment and the forum has taken up a lot of our time and we have to do the money earning jobs now.
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