2024 weight loss and fitness accountability club


I'm pretty much where I was last year, which is fine, but I'm going to cut out the 3 or 4 bottles of wine at a weekend, to maybe one or two, and try and be slightly more active.
You could come down to Bridge of Allan and give my car a polish,that would cover being more active.
And bring a bottle of the spare wine you will have, and i can sip that While you work. So win win all round I think!


In all seriousness physical work is probably the Best exercise going.
I'm guessing the older we get the more careful we need to be with what goes down the cake hole before it can come out of the other hole.


In all seriousness physical work is probably the Best exercise going.
I'm guessing the older we get the more careful we need to be with what goes down the cake hole before it can come out of the other hole.
...and cutting the booze really does make the weight fall off.


My consumption these days is minimal find myself drinking more sparkling water and we've got some nice ones here in France with a slice of lemon.

Also on a serious note,can i give a tip that was told to me years ago.

Drinking any gaseous drink like beer,coke etc. over time the gas builds up between your stomach lining (Beer belly)

Simple way to get rid of it is every morning pummel your stomach with your fists,you will see a difference almost immediately, and if you can keep doing it a few minutes both morning and night over a month or so, you gradually tighten up your stomach muscles.


Also on a serious note,can i give a tip that was told to me years ago.

Drinking any gaseous drink like beer,coke etc. over time the gas builds up between your stomach lining (Beer belly)

Simple way to get rid of it is every morning pummel your stomach with your fists,you will see a difference almost immediately, and if you can keep doing it a few minutes both morning and night over a month or so, you gradually tighten up your stomach muscles.

Hate to tell you, but that's really not how it works.



Just.3 kg off this week but still the right direction.
Not been on the scales, but have at least been consistent this week. Only missed one day...and been at it hard all weekend, between actual exercise and then the woodworking. Newton, you got in some extra reps with the moving excursion...


Well done both. Had a session with a sleep therapist last week which is interesting. Massive discount as he's only just starting out. We shall see how it goes.



Interesting reading through the above. No one mentions UPF (ultra processed food). We're currently reading Chris Van Tulleken's latest book "Ultra Processed People" which has all sorts of amazing revelations about diet, metabolism, exercise and weight management. It blows a lot of the standard thinking - and Food industry marketing - out of the water! It's based on the latest scientific research so it's well worth checking out. He has a number of videos up on on YouTube including this one at the Royal Institution, which sets out the case against a lot of the stuff we eat:

As for me, I'm lucky enough to have kept my weight in check for over a year because the state of my gallbladder has demanded a reduction in saturated fat intake to the RDA of just 20g a day, which is quite difficult to achieve because it's in a lot of food. Fortunately the need to continue this regime is scheduled to go away on Wednesday when I meet the surgeon ... LOL!
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I didn't for the very simple reason we basically never eat it. Again, nothing more than the way we live.

That was my first reaction, mainly because I don’t buy microwave meals; I cook from scratch with fresh ingredients. However, once I started looking at ingredients labels on some of the things I do eat and drink I quickly realised that I do consume UPF (ie anything with an industrial additive that isn’t found in most people’s kitchens). In fact, it’s very difficult and costly for most people to avoid it entirely … ice cream, crisps, bread, mayonnaise and many other sauces, margarine type spreads etc etc. to name but a few ...
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I’ve lost 5 stone (31 kilos) since March ‘23)
Put on 2 kilos at Xmas.. already lost 3.5 kilo since.
I’m 5 trouser sizes down and have had to get a new wardrobe.
Who says cigars and wine are not good for you?
PS this is not a joke
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I’ve lost 5 stone (31 kilos) since March ‘23)
Put on 2 kilos at Xmas.. already lost 3.5 kilo since.
I’m 5 trouser sizes down and have had to get a new wardrobe.
Who says cigars and wine are not good for you?
PS this is not a joke
The Maserati and Ferrari will go faster too now with that weight shaved off.


That was my first reaction, mainly because I don’t buy microwave meals; I cook from scratch with fresh ingredients. However, once I started looking at ingredients labels on some of the things I do eat and drink I quickly realised that I do consume UPF (ie anything with an industrial additive that isn’t found in most people’s kitchens). In fact, it’s very difficult and costly for most people to avoid it entirely … ice cream, crisps, bread, mayonnaise and many other sauces, margarine type spreads etc etc. to name but a few ...

Got me on the sauces and marge, but given the quantities, I'm happy it's not an issue.

Even Hellmans is not really UPF in my book

Rapeseed oil (78%), EGG & EGG yolk (7.9%), water, spirit vinegar, sugar, salt, lemon juice concentrate, flavourings, antioxidant (calcium disodium EDTA), paprika extract, sunflower oil

Sure there's an antioxidant and 'flavourings'

Ketchup has a sweetener in it (use the reduced sugar / salt one)

Lurpak spreadable is basically just butter and oil, although the Flora buttery we have right now lets the side down!



I’ve lost 5 stone (31 kilos) since March ‘23)
Put on 2 kilos at Xmas.. already lost 3.5 kilo since.
I’m 5 trouser sizes down and have had to get a new wardrobe.
Who says cigars and wine are not good for you?
PS this is not a joke

Bloody good show!



Got me on the sauces and marge, but given the quantities, I'm happy it's not an issue.

Even Hellmans is not really UPF in my book

Rapeseed oil (78%), EGG & EGG yolk (7.9%), water, spirit vinegar, sugar, salt, lemon juice concentrate, flavourings, antioxidant (calcium disodium EDTA), paprika extract, sunflower oil

Sure there's an antioxidant and 'flavourings'

Ketchup has a sweetener in it (use the reduced sugar / salt one)

Lurpak spreadable is basically just butter and oil, although the Flora buttery we have right now lets the side down!

Yes … emulsifiers are used in a lot of spreads and ice creams and, apparently, they wash a lot of useful bacteria - that are used in digestion- out of the gut. Artificial sweeteners on the tongue trigger the production of insulin in the blood stream to breakdown sugars which then don’t show up. The effects of these industrial produced additives are still being more fully understood in the context of rising obesity and diabetes and potential links to some cancers …