Alfa VW rumour

dem maser

Oh Dem don't tell me about the 6c or that will be another £1k out the window. I get the impressionthat the 6c will suit me down to the ground as it will be bigger than the 4c which is my only gripe.

rumours are going around matt that after couple of years of the 4c being released they will fill the gap with a bigger 6 cylinder one......
might be good, buy the 4c then sell it with a profit and put it on the 6c........

the 6c is a famous alfa model after all......


Yep the V12 is designed by lambo, V10 is Audi

V10 may have been designed by Audi, but it was designed for use with the Gallardo. I know they then stuck it in the RS6 and then the R10, but it was made with the Gallardo in mind. They could have just done the Gallardo with a V8 and sold just as many...

The Murcielago - doesn't get more crazily Italian/Lambo than that! And the Aventador is a Murcie turned up to 11 :)

dem maser

saw a 458 on saturday, he parked in front of me and had a good look and chat with a friendly guy who was more interested in my SMART??!!
love the 458, best thing on the road as far as im concerned but the avantador could take over i think......


saw a 458 on saturday, he parked in front of me and had a good look and chat with a friendly guy who was more interested in my SMART??!!
love the 458, best thing on the road as far as im concerned but the avantador could take over i think......

Looking at it on the Lambo site I would say you could be right Dem..


Works in certain colours - yellow and white so far, *not* red. Would like to see a Titanium grey one...

Yellow looks the best i think, not seen a grey one in person, seen a pic of one on the net, looks nice, will have to see what Graypaul have in on Saturday.


I do like the 458 .... but it's just a bit obvious ....

That is the problem with Ferraris... they are bought by genuine enthusiasts and posers alike. Impossible to tell who's who without meeting them!

Obvious because it's the best... even if you did all your research, it's still what you'd come up with. Funny how, still knowing that, I buy cars that aren't *quite* as good and m always happy with my choices!