Bournemouth Wheels 2016 - Supercar display


New Member
Hi All

The organisers for the Bournemouth Wheels Festival 3-5 June are potentially looking for a Maserati (only one) to be part of the Supercar display - they like noise and colour!! I took part last year and basically, it's spread over three days, your cars are parked in a fenced off area for the public to view(approx. 30 cars take part and there were 400,000 visitors), you take part in two demonstration runs every day (11 and 2), you are escorted to the run with a police outrider, they supply lunch and refreshments, plus there's an evening event on the Friday and you can enjoy the night life in Bournemouth on the Saturday. Check out the website for more details:

I normally stay in the Highcliff Marriott, which is next to the BIC.

There's normally a fringe event in Southbourne (about 6 miles away) on Saturday evening that's a good laugh, and you attend under a full police escort (6 outriders, through red lights, no stopping etc...).

You'll have to able to commit to attend for the full three days (or at least the Saturday and Sunday), so if you're interested, please confirm the model, colour and enhancements (visual and aural!!) so that they can make a decision. As ever, they're looking for a quick turnaround as they are finalising entrants now.




So they might not like the noise (there is none) or the colour (it's black), apart from that they will love it :D


New Member
The beauty of being an entrant, is that you can get in to the paddock area for all the historic F1 cars, bikes and rally cars and really get behind the scenes of the event, chatting with the owners and drivers of these machines. Don't understimate the scale of this event and the selection of modern and historic machines (4 and 2 wheels) that take part, especially seeing them blast up and down the demonstration straight (1 mile long on the cliff top)!!


New Member
Last part of the hard sell; an extract from the welcome pack I received today:

"This year, the cars will be situated at the Pier Approach and will be right in the thick of the action. For those of you who came last year, this is the area where the Manufacturers were displaying their cars, on the flat area down by the Pier. This area will be converted into a secure structure, which will also be weatherproof and will have 24-hour security. There will be a Hospitality Area within this structure with tables and chairs, serving teas, coffees etc., specifically for Supercar owners and their guests.

For those of you who are able to attend on the Friday, the first Supercar run will take place at 16.00 hours on Friday afternoon 3rd June when the Press and Media will be there, then there will be 2 runs per day on the Saturday and Sunday as previously.

As a �thank you� to owners for bringing their cars along, part of our Supercar Package will include the following:-

Lunch on each day will be served this year at the Cumberland Hotel which is situated along the main Competition Course, so you will be able to watch the various runs at the same time. Transport will be provided to and from the Show and the Hotel.

On Friday evening, there will be a Welcome Drinks Reception with Canapes, for all Participants with Press and Media coverage and with representatives from Bournemouth Council and other local dignitaries. Our Commentator, Henry Hope-Frost will host the event.

Saturday evening will see again last year�s extremely popular Supercar run out to Southbourne with a full Police Escort, where the cars will remain on show in the town centre and we will again enjoy a complimentary meal and drinks courtesy of the Ludo Lounge.

There is another exciting addition we are working on at the moment - more to follow!"


Sent my details to the link earlier... will wait and see if I am invited? Sounds like a great event.


Yes I am, entry form completed and thoroughly looking forward to joining Mr Beans with my ASBO machine for a weekend of debauchery and loudness :D


Well done for securing a space...I applied some months ago and was told it was full back in May.


I'll be going to this with the missus . Probably on Sunday if anyone is about ? See you there Phil ? I might bring the shouty car ;p


Yes look forward to seeing both Martyn's and respective Missuses! One word of warning for MLC, please don't let Irasema lead Su astray!!!!! :D


They're critical mass, mate!
Your Su was as bad as Irasema.
We can always go over to 60 Million Post Cards again and leave them to it.

We can do either day really, are you down both days?