Brooklands Italian show


I just looked at the ticket prices... £17 advanced and £20 on the day.

It is a little steep, no? I swear it was only £10/12 a few years ago...

I am going to sit this one out but I am going to display at Brands for the Blancpain race on the Sunday... I haven't been to that before so it will be a little different

Wow! That's shot up!


Wow! That's shot up!

Just a bit right?

Not sure what their game is with these prices because it will only put people off from attending... Either members of the public or those who are displaying and do not want to spend in excess of 50/60quid to spend a morning/afternoon at a car show with their partner or kids to eat soggy bacon in cheap baps and wash it down with bad coffee at an overcrowded venue

I notice the ticket prices for the super car day at brooklands in July are cheaper so i will probably attend that... Also going to register at Goodwood for the breakfast meets its a bit different and seems like a good event for networking


Just a bit right?

Not sure what their game is with these prices because it will only put people off from attending... Either members of the public or those who are displaying and do not want to spend in excess of 50/60quid to spend a morning/afternoon at a car show with their partner or kids to eat soggy bacon in cheap baps and wash it down with bad coffee at an overcrowded venue

I notice the ticket prices for the super car day at brooklands in July are cheaper so i will probably attend that... Also going to register at Goodwood for the breakfast meets its a bit different and seems like a good event for networking

I'm sure either last year or the year before I only paid £8 on line.
The bacon/sausage baguettes for 4 quid are awful. The beer is over priced and shite, and they still manage to run out.
Don't get me started on the service!

Taking the family there is £100 day out. And what are they providing? as the owners bring their cars, not the other way round.
Is it to pay for all the work going on at Brooklands? Be nice if the fixed the driveway down to the place first!


Have they done more work there? I thought they finished it two years ago when I last attended

They won't sort the entrance driveway as it is part of the old race track and therefore listed


imo it should be a subsidised price for classic car owners attending plus one passenger, without the cars they wouldn't have a show and anyone to sell the sh1t food and beer to
At our Oulton Park days we all get issued free tickets for this exact reason. We provide our cars to show off to the public, so the paying audience can watch the racing, go through the paddocks and wander around the show cars........Oh and eat and drink over priced sh!t!!


I used to go with my car in the past when I remember it was a reasonable price but still not subsidised:(, I just detest the fact that they are really milking it now and imo taking the pee by not recognising the fact that they should provide a keener entrance fee for owners, don't think they're short of money, didn't they got some sort of huge lottery funds few years ago, taking your car to display and say a family of 3/4 is quite a bit of money and sometimes it's not all that either


why doesn't mcdonalds serve breakfast after 10.30, that's so annoying

And why can't you get a Big Mac when they are serving breakfast?

I remember years ago when they first started the breakfast, me and a load of mates had just been to The Ministry of Sound and rolled up to McDonalds at 7am on the Sunday morning and they wouldn't serve a Big Mac "sorry breakfasts only". :1408::1408::1408:


You guys are really selling this. I can't wait to get there now.


I mean if you want us to be really critical then I could talk about the huge queues to even get in to the venue so you can display (with lots of people in old cars looking very happy about the potential of their car over heating while they wait in the traffic jam through Weybridge) or once you are actually in the grounds the marshals do their best but you got to question the management of the entire thing...

i have been three times hoping it would be better managed than the previous year and it never is! Hopefully for them putting the price up by 50% means that they have put more resources into it.
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You guys are really selling this. I can't wait to get there now.
I know what you mean.

I was really looking forward to this:
  • wife is away,
  • first chance to see other Maseratis up close,
  • first trip to Blooklands

and now an 8:30 start (7am from Cambridge)!

Why so early, if so unpopular?


If you want to get in in the display you have to be queuing as the gates open so I'd leave earlier! You'll really enjoy it if it's your first time.


I know what you mean.

I was really looking forward to this:
  • wife is away,
  • first chance to see other Maseratis up close,
  • first trip to Blooklands
and now an 8:30 start (7am from Cambridge)!

Why so early, if so unpopular?
I can't wait to get up at 5am for this. ;-) I'll be passing Cambridge at about 0630, if you want to drive down in tandem.


I've been going to this for a few years and yes, the format is similar every year and yes, I see pretty much the same cars but I go because of us! getting together having a laugh, meeting newer members having banter with the old faces.
One year, I've brought my Mrs, then see her trying to out drink Contigo's Mrs! A couple of years ago, I dragged my in-laws down to try and outdrink Contigo's Mrs. The results were hilarious. (I secretly think this is the reason Contigo doesn't go anymore!)
Last year a small contingent came back to mine for a few beers and pizza. We'll do the same again, this year.
You could argue that Le Mans is samey and boring with the dearth of LMP1 but we still go.


Forum Owner
Echo MLC’s comments. No it’s not perfect but it’s a lovely way to spend a Spring weekend. Well worth it despite Capes’s issues with the listed track you have to drive in on. I mean, it’s only been there a hundred plus years, were’s my lovely fresh tarmac?


If you like Italian cars Brooklands is a good day, often meet loads of friends I have made over years of Italian car ownership. Not going this year bit £18 does sound a bit steep but I guess you do get access to the museum although I have seen it many times so thats less of a draw.