Fezza Prices


I've been watching Cali T prices for some time now and have noticed how much they've dropped recently, maybe weather, brexit etc.?

I'll be changing the Strad for a Cali next year but my question is do I sell the Strad next summer and go without a Sunday car for a while and buy a Cali in the dead of winter or do I wait until early spring to chop the Strad in for a Cali? Do prices rise that much in spring on convertibles?

Felonious Crud

Staff member
The lovely new Portofino will be having a downward impact on Cali prices. That plus Brexit, winter, a general leveling of supercar / sportscar prices caused by the previous two points etc.

If you really want to see an exciting downward trend caused by incessant new model releases, see Mclaren. 12Cs for not much over £80k, 12C Spider around £100k. Even the heroically mental 720S is now comfortably around £180k, with the new spider doubtless partly contributing to that.

If you can, I'd wait. I wouldn't anticipate much of a bounce in Cali prices. Even if the Brexit ****-up gets unfucked then the PF will still be pushing Cali prices south.


Early Cali are now getting older and it was dramatically bettered by the Cali T, which is much more desirable as a result. Prices of the T are now around £105k and up which for me, makes it worth aspiring to against a "base" Cali, if you can. The Portofino is, for now, considerably more but as with all things it will come down as well. That will take a while as deliveries have only just begun and I'm sure the order book is pretty thick so we won't see it start dropping for a year or so I reckon.

All high end cars have been dropping in the last 3 months for all the reasons mentioned. It makes it a great time to buy but they'd pull your trousers down on a trade in for the Stradale no doubt so better to sell it privately. Might not be easy in mid-December but then again, if you price anything right, it will sell.


Sea Urchin Pate
Put your Strad up for sale now so you have plenty of time to try and get the max for it. That way, as a ’cash buyer’ you can pull their pants down as they will want to move their stock on.


Centenary Club
Trouble with the California, is that I always think of the (very good actually) copy based on the Mercedes SL!


Junior Member
This sort of reflects what I’m finding at the moment even at the £40k-£50k end of the market.

I’m being told that very little is selling so can’t offer me much on my GS. Don’t mind that provided I’m seeing a similar adjustment on what I’m buying, which I’m not. At least the Cali’s have got that for them.

Seems to be lots of old stock and SOR out there which doesn’t reflect the current market and makes it a bit of a mindfield as a buyer.


By 'copy' - do you mean replica? I have never seen such a thing - either advertised or in the flesh. I have heard of 430 replicas - but they would be ridiculously easy to spot. I cant imagine anyone trying to make a replica of a cali T. It would be impossible with the modern tech and 565bhp engine.


Centenary Club
By 'copy' - do you mean replica? I have never seen such a thing - either advertised or in the flesh. I have heard of 430 replicas - but they would be ridiculously easy to spot. I cant imagine anyone trying to make a replica of a cali T. It would be impossible with the modern tech and 565bhp engine.

Yes replica.
There where a couple at a local car show recently in the last few years (attended by SM), and until someone pointed out the 'fake' plastic carbon brake/calipers behind the wheels, and then you noticed the inside was MB but with Ferrari, you honestly wouldn't know from the outside.


Replica's have always puzzled me. I can understand a snotty nosed kid wanting a posh watch or handbag etc buying a copy on their Turkey holiday but why would anyone want a replica car? If you cant afford one buy something you can afford, not try and look like you can afford it when you so obviously cannot.


Is the original California really such a bad car as a GT for normal road use? I drove one a while back and thought it was very good. Very fast, sounded good, no scuttle shake, decent interior quality, coupe or convertible depending on your mood. Ok, if you’re Chris Harris or taking it on a track, it might fall short of your expectations or driving skills, but I certainly wouldn’t miss the 1/10th of driving performance that might be missing. And, personally, I think I’d take one over a California T for the better exhaust sound and price.


I'm sure this is not politically correct, but the Cali always strikes me as very feminine. It's not a lesser sibling thing, as the boxster versus the Carrera does not do the same (I'd happily have one).
'Go figure', as the Americans say!


I'm not sure the Cali or the Boxster are feminine cars. Hasn't the world and society moved on from this view. Maybe a pink Micra convertible is a bit girly but with so much confusion over sex categories it is all a little blurred shall we say these days!

I've not had or driven a Cali but had a 987 Boxster S and thought it was a cracking car. I'd have a Cali if I was in the market for something like that. Goes back again to not really caring what others think and just caring about what you think.


No, above I'm saying I DON'T find the boxster feminine.
In other words, I am myself wondering why the Cali does appear that way to me.


I think the California looks a bit girly too, in the same way as a 1980s Mercedes SL in red will always be a woman’s car. However a California T with a black roof doesn’t.