Forum conduct


Forum Owner
This is a personal message to all members, new and old.

Over the past few years, the forum has changed from the place it once was to one of conflicts relating to me allowing off topic content even for contentious topics. It has become apparent, despite numerous reminders, that a minority of members these days do not know where the line is and hence putting a Code of Conduct in place and separating off topic content to its own sidebar.

Today, one of the founding members and a personal friend told me he now wishes to be a member of this forum due to attitude towards each other specifically in off topic conversations.

Members have been banned as a result of taking pops at the establishment, more may reluctantly follow.

We will continue to allow off topic threads but if the gentlemanly manner is not upheld, then all off topic content threads started will have to be approved by a mod prior to it being released on the forum.

Primarily this is a Maserati car forum and a source for many to help fix and find issues that would otherwise result in expensive trips to the dealer.

It has always had a laid back attitude and never over moderated but from today we will be much more strict.

I would like to thank those who contribute valid material and conduct themselves in a manner they should be proud of.

The mods