SM Ace Cafe - Spring Meet


The McLaren as you say is so rare especially in red! And the owner has some amazing cars to go with it! Ask Benny!

Great day with some great cars and people. Beau it was great to talk to you and compare notes :) Will call you in a week or two.

dem maser

Loved both Mclarens.....the "4300" spyder as we christened it looks great, well done, you saw sense, now you need a 3200 engine


Really enjoyed the meet yesterday . I thought I was missing Benny right up until i saw him again, and remembered what a d4mn fine chap he really is ha ha ;P

nice 4300 though .

It was the first long drive i have done in my car , and it was nice to drive back on my own at night . loved every min of it . Its a great car to sit on the motor way , and even better when you get to the Hindhead Tunnel ;) Sorry to the guy next to me in the Defender who jumped and wound his window up when i dropped it into second and nailed it ha ha


Sea Urchin Pate
Loved both Mclarens.....the "4300" spyder as we christened it looks great, well done, you saw sense, now you need a 3200 engine

No I don't mate! I took the best bit of the 3200, put it on a 4200 and binned the rest. So when the 3200 mob start banging on about boomerangs, I can join them whilst feeling smug about having a 4200! The best of both worlds and, I'm led to believe, they look good on a spyder.


Forum Owner
Blimey, cream crackered today, not a surprise really, its was a killer day.

Up at 6 and on the road by 06.30, Emblem then AutoLusso's both in Bornemouth, The Old Orchard then Ace Caft then to top it all off up to pick up some GS wheels in North London then the long trip home to the coast.

Can you believe it I have to crawl in traffic on the M25 (near Heathrow, where else!!!) for half an hour due to all but one lanes being close.

Great day everyone and did actually really enjoy having the Hindhead tunnel to myself at midnight :)

Next one will be in May.


Forum Owner
So do we call Bennys car a Maserati Ten Hundred (4200 minus 3200) or a Maserati Seventy Four Hundred (4200 plus 3200) or just stick to the "Nob mobile" like we always have done?


i saw alot of the 3200 owners smashing their boomerangs in with baseball bats on the hard shoulder of the M25 last night. Apparently they dont want to be associated with the "Ben-der Mobile"


Sea Urchin Pate
So do we call Bennys car a Maserati Ten Hundred (4200 minus 3200) or a Maserati Seventy Four Hundred (4200 plus 3200) or just stick to the "Nob mobile" like we always have done?

You adding up's a bit suspect there mate!


Sea Urchin Pate
Well it was suspect before you edited it, now it looks like my adding up's a bit suspect!!


Sea Urchin Pate
When I picked her up from the body shop she kept going into limp mode, which is very unusual as she is normally very reliable. I took her to Autoshield to be diagnosed and, guess what; throttle potentiometer!! These things NEVER go on 4200s (MAF the tw4t excepted!) so I thought ghosts of 3200s past had found a home with the new boomerangs and I would spend the rest of eternity with a flashing CEL. It turns out a power spike had fried the DBW module and created all sorts of snags. We switched it off and she runs like a dream again. Then the NIT unit started doing strange things and all the centre consol lights failed as well. On the way back, it all kicked back in and now work perfectly again. Apart from the auto changer, which is still f*cked. It looks like the old girl is self-exorcising those pesky 3200 spirits of sh!t boxes past.


good evening chaps - and great to meet some of you! Next one I'll have my car there too, and not have to get crappy public transport home!


i saw alot of the 3200 owners smashing their boomerangs in with baseball bats on the hard shoulder of the M25 last night. Apparently they dont want to be associated with the "Ben-der Mobile"

Too right, it's the closest I've even been to selling both of mine! If he'd have taken all the best bits of the 3200 onto his then I would have sold up but luckily he still has a fugly front end and no bonnet vents! Proper **** wheels too! Halfrauds Ripspeed? :)


Sea Urchin Pate
Go and boil your head! Mine doesn't have the megafugly seam across the front, the one piece wings and front or the filled-in seam across the windscreen frame. It doesn't have the vents and never will, what's the point of allowing rain water onto under bonnet electrics? Like I said, I took the best bit of a 3200 and put it onto a better vehicle with awesome wheels that fill the arches. Again, the best of both worlds!