2024 weight loss and fitness accountability club


I’ve lost 5 stone (31 kilos) since March ‘23)
Put on 2 kilos at Xmas.. already lost 3.5 kilo since.
I’m 5 trouser sizes down and have had to get a new wardrobe.
Who says cigars and wine are not good for you?
PS this is not a joke
Coffee and Gitanes (sans filtre) worked for me, got me through 2 years of an MBA programme. I found it was a great way of suppressing appetite to control weight under sedentary conditions and focused the concentration … I could barely walk after that experience and 3 decades on I’m not sure it’d work for me now. LOL!
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dem maser

I’ve lost 5 stone (31 kilos) since March ‘23)
Put on 2 kilos at Xmas.. already lost 3.5 kilo since.
I’m 5 trouser sizes down and have had to get a new wardrobe.
Who says cigars and wine are not good for you?
PS this is not a joke
How? Well done!


Since meeting Ms French 9 years ago I only eat salted butter and organic olive oil quite a bit of both dosent affect my weight and boy they taste so Good.
Don't eat anything low fat everything is full fat with milk straight from the farm and feel better for it.
Yes, I did that myself for 6 decades and never had a big problem with my weight or cholesterol. However, my gallbladder does look like a bag of marbles on the ultrasound and I reckon my life long love of butter, cheese and cream is responsible for that. Tomorrow morning I meet the surgeon and it's coming out!

PS In terms of saturates (which cause all the problems) butter is 50% saturated fat and olive oil is quite insignificant in comparison; in fact (surprisingly) lard has lower saturated fat than butter ... I'm looking forward to being able to eat these things again but will - for the most part - try and stick to an RDA of 20g for saturates and allow myself the odd dinner party indulgence.
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I’m late to the party here but been on a diet since just before new year.
I’ve been as heavy as 325lbs did a lock down diet got down to 270 and am currently 293, down from 302 since start.

I barely drink but LOVE cakes, sweets and other nice stuff , all cut out for now , would like to get down to 250 and be able to fit comfortably into a Caterham again .

I’m ok whilst ever the scales are going down, find it very hard when I’m being good but can’t see the lbs going down on the scales


Good for you, chap. If it's any inspiration at all, I went from 300+ down to my fighting weight of 196 some years back after always being a fat kid and a fat adult. I have similar issues with carbs, and I now low carb as my daily diet. I find it much easier.

Totally get what you mean about the scales not moving though! Hang in there



Special case
Echo this, except I was a skinny kid, I would yo-yo over winter and thin out over the summer as a young adult. Mid twenties I stopped smoking and then the weight gradually built. Three years of serious depression saw my at my heaviest this Christmas just gone at 140kg. I’m trying a gentle reduction this time to trick myself into a reduced consumption mindset.


Half a stone gone this year, that's the easy bit past experience has shown small decreases from here in but as always little goals along the way a few pounds away from being 13 stone something is the first.