

New Member
One thing the German cars (A3, Golf et al) do so much better than Alfa is make good driving positions.

I love the Giulietta and would have one in a flash but the driving position is almost a deal breaker - it's a disaster. The pedals are at a funny angle so they don't operate in a natural motion and theres no space in the footwell to rest your right foot. Once again, a lovely Italian car let down by really basic details - it's unacceptable that the Giulietta was launched in such a way.

Some may say that this is only a little thing and as such doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things but it's these little things that other makes don't have a problem designing properly and which can have a real effect on the everyday comfort of using a car. Why settle for a car which is like this when there are plenty of alternatives without such traits?

I'm really annoyed by this as I so much wanted to like the Giulietta but this has just reminded me of the sometimes downright lazy attitude that the Italians have to design and engineering and as such they don't deserve my money.

Honestly....go drive one and then drive a Golf to see what I mean. Our Mini is also a lesson in how to design a great comfortable driving's fantastic.
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Agree on the Mini..Liz had one and it was brilliant to be in and the driving position was just right.....