2020 weight loss and fitness accountability club


I’m a big fan of Micky Flanagan - he’s properly, belly laughing, hilarious at times...

This thread is getting very few updates, but I’m going to keep using it as it helps me stay focussed.

I weighed myself this morning, and seems I’ve had a decent week this week...

Week 0 (1st April) - Weight 93.4kg; Lean mass 66.4kg; fat 27.0kg
Week 4 (28th April) - Weight 90.6kg; Lean mass 66.1kg; fat 24.5kg
Week 5 (5th May) - Weight 91.2kg; Lean mass 66.0kg; fat 25.2kg
Week 6 (12th May) - Weight 90.0kg, Lean mass 65.6kg, fat 24.4kg
Week 6 and a bit - Weight 89.4kg, Lean mass 66.1kg , fat 23.3kg

Today’s activity is going to be a 40mile bike ride followed by probably a game of badminton in the garden, maybe filling in some holes under the fence to stop the cat escaping, and if I’m lucky a nap....

Very well done, sir!


Hope you fat lardy guys have been keeping up your regimes , me Ive finished my patio so thats me for the year, luckily not altered my weight more than 5lbs either way in 40 years , so today im relaxing Mickey Flannigan style

My fav comdian.....Art of fingering was classic......


Haven't posted any progress here for a bit as I've been struggling with my normal routines.
Been suffering with shooting pains down my left leg (mainly) for a while which I thought was sciatica/ vertebrae damage related (from previous tests around 2 years ago).
Cut a long story short after it got so bad recently I got booked in for a ct scan and xray- done last week which has revealed severe osteoarthritis in both hips......at only 54! The Doc looked as stunned as I was.
I've spent my entire life keeping fit and now I'm gonna need parts from the spares bin. :lol2: The doc instructed me to stop all impact training (no skipping :( and even long walks) in order to preserve what's left.....for as long as possible.-

However, after some thought I've decided I'm gonna get the replacements done pronto (I'm paying Bupa so why not?). Why wait for years (in pain) when ill be older and less agile anyway. I'll get it done now whilst i'm still fairly sprightly and be able to do what I want for the foreseeable future - and while I still can.

Re another medical thread, I wish hadn't put up with the pain for so long. Get yourselves off to the Doc gents if you feel something aint right.
Anyone on here had a hip...or two replaced?
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Haven't posted any progress here for a bit as I've been struggling with my normal routines.
Been suffering with shooting pains down my left leg (mainly) for a while which I thought was sciatica/ vertebrae damage related (from previous tests around 2 years ago).
Cut a long story short after it got so bad recently I got booked in for a ct scan and xray- done last week which has revealed severe osteoarthritis in both hips......at only 54! The Doc looked as stunned as I was.
I've spent my entire life keeping fit and now I'm gonna need parts from the spares bin. :lol2: The doc instructed me to stop all impact training (no skipping :( and even long walks) in order to preserve what's left.....for as long as possible.-

However, after some thought I've decided I'm gonna get the replacements done pronto (I'm paying Bupa so why not?). Why wait for years (in pain) when ill be older and less agile anyway. I'll get it done now whilst i'm still fairly sprightly and be able to do what I want for the foreseeable future - and while I still can.

Re another medical thread, I wish hadn't put up with the pain for so long. Get yourselves off to the Doc gents if you feel something aint right.
Anyone on here had a hip...or two replaced?

Right attitude Wattie....We do tend to put up with stuff instead of getting it looked at early sometimes. Probably better to get it done now than when you get older as surely you will heal quicker. 54 is still young.....but then I would say that as we are the same age ;)......
My mother in law has had a hip replaced. That was around 4 years ago and hasn't had any issues. Recovery was long from what I can remember....no carrying, no driver for months but once out of it she was back to normal......Hope all goes well for you my friend.


That's **** to hear Wattie .. but you are doing the right thing IMO. Why live with pain and limited mobility when the option of a hip replacement is there for you?

On a side note, I have lost 3 lbs over the last couple of weeks and am now the lightest I have been this millennia :)


A friend of mine aged 51 has had both hips replaced over the last year. Not ideal, obviously, but at least they can look to a pain free and active future.

I've been very slack over the last two weeks. One circuit session and two 15 miles bike rides I about the last 15 days. Determined to do better this week, so have three 1 on 1 sessions booked with a trainer. Weight has been stable for a month, at 16.3 st. So, still a stone less than Jan 1st, so that’s okay.


Haven't posted any progress here for a bit as I've been struggling with my normal routines.
Been suffering with shooting pains down my left leg (mainly) for a while which I thought was sciatica/ vertebrae damage related (from previous tests around 2 years ago).
Cut a long story short after it got so bad recently I got booked in for a ct scan and xray- done last week which has revealed severe osteoarthritis in both hips......at only 54! The Doc looked as stunned as I was.
I've spent my entire life keeping fit and now I'm gonna need parts from the spares bin. :lol2: The doc instructed me to stop all impact training (no skipping :( and even long walks) in order to preserve what's left.....for as long as possible.-

However, after some thought I've decided I'm gonna get the replacements done pronto (I'm paying Bupa so why not?). Why wait for years (in pain) when ill be older and less agile anyway. I'll get it done now whilst i'm still fairly sprightly and be able to do what I want for the foreseeable future - and while I still can.

Re another medical thread, I wish hadn't put up with the pain for so long. Get yourselves off to the Doc gents if you feel something aint right.
Anyone on here had a hip...or two replaced?

Mate of mine has his hip replaced when he was 39!!!


Its been an eventful month for me Gents since my hip diagnosis. A life changing one.

The day prior to my follow up with the Doc I was dressing my daughter for school. Without any warning or pain I lost the sight in my left eye for around 1 min. It was odd. Started as a grey spot that got larger and larger obscuring my field of vision in the eye. It then started to slowly clear and I could see through the top half but totally obscured bottom half. Then all became normal.
No other effects, no pain (bit scary admittedly as i'd never had anything like that happen before). Normal service resumed, got on with things.

Next day, Doc appointment for annual psa/blood test results - all normal, Cholesterol ratio 3.3 (note https://www.sportsmaserati.co.uk/index.php?threads/blood-pressure.31005/post-768030 and the fact my my “good” cholesterol is far higher than the bad)

Got my hip referral to a physiotherapist, in the clinic. Basically the physiotherapist I met explained I was probably born with previously undetected "Perthes disease" ( a flattening of the hip joint) ) and I'm now following a 6 week specific hip exercise regime designed to strengthen the muscles around the hips in order to try to get extended wear out of them. This, as you'll read is now a secondary concern.

So I'm sat back in the Doc after my Physio consult for an final chat and I'm thinking will I, won't I mention my eye......everything is normal again......decided to mention it.

Doc immediately asks me dozens of questions, did this/that/the other happen? No to everything.
"Why are you asking me all this?"
Doc, "We need to rule out if you've had a transient ischaemic attack"
"Whats that?"
Doc "A stroke"

Immediate prescription for Asprin and referral to a Neurologist. Referred for "Cartoid and vertebrael" scans.
I was slightly stunned.

Two days later I'm sat in the Neurologist where I'm asked to recount the eye episode.......twice. I'm then given a whole lot of what seemed like reflexology, feel/ squeeze tests along with a "follow the pen" eyecheck. Bp done along with a stethoscope test. I show him my recent and historical blood/cholesterol results.

"Everything ok"
Neurologist " Well it appears you have some "Plaque" in your carotid arteries in your neck. Both sides, - this build up has narrowed the gap that the blood flows through to the brain"
"Whats plaque?"
Neurologist "Plaque is cholesterol"
"But my cholesterol has been 2.8, 2.9 and 3.3......below the 3.5 good level maximum. How's that happened?"
Neurologist "You've been unlucky, (my father had cholesterol issues) It's possible a bit of plaque on your left side broke off and travelled into your head causing the eye issue. This can be dangerous, as if a bigger piece breaks off it could cause a bigger problem".

Silence. Stunned.

Neurologist- "I'd like to run some tests on you. We'll do a Ct Brain, Angio head/neck with and without dye contrast so we can get to the bottom of this eye episode"
Neurologist "Are you aware you have a heart murmer? I want to run "Echo "D and DOP/Vid Cardiac Failure RORLVH" tests too"

"What????, I've never been told that before".
Neurologist "It may be nothing but we need to establish if the plaque came from your neck.....or your heart which is why their might be a murmur. I'm immediately putting you on 80mg Statin for your Cholesterol while we investigate all this ( so 0 to 80mg- the highest dose you can get in a day!)

Appointments made for Neurologist tests. I left to go home and contemplate.
Week later, all tests done. I'm back in the Neurologist.

Neurologist- "We're satisfied that the eye issue was caused by plaque from your left carotoid artery. Stay on the 80mg and I'll see you again in 9months for a review"
"Will the statin help to reduce the neck plaque that has built up?"
Neurologist "Yes, we would expect to see a reduction on both sides as a result of the tablet. Regarding your heart, the scan results have revealed that it appears you were born with a congenital heart defect"
"What?, (I've had multiple surgeries for sporting injuries etc and no-one has ever picked this up, nor have I had any symptoms)
Neurologist "You have a bi-cuspid heart valve. The murmer is a sign that the defective valve is showing signs of wear and tear. I'm referring you to a cardiologist"
"So what does that mean then?"
Neurologist "it means you need to take it reallyeasy for now, until we can determine the stage (mild, moderate or severe) you're at. At some point you may need a replacement heart valve'.

So, I've had an ECG done and various measurements taken of my heart and the valve in question. I see a cardiologist on the 6th July to determine where I'm at and what course of action (if any) needs to be taken along with lifestyle changes I’ll need to make/exercise restrictions.

I must admit i'm finding the whole thing rather difficult to digest as with the exception of a sore left hip I feel as fit and healthy as ever. I have absolutely no symptoms of any heart trouble. Given my fitness regime and the changes that may need to be taken from now on its all a little surreal......have I been lucky I didn't drop dead in the gym? I count myself lucky that I at least know about these issues now and can take the necessary future lifestyle/medical steps. Many are not so fortunate- actor John Ritter.

Its a funny way to look at what's happened but it seems to me that me that finally reporting a deteriorating leg condition, combined with the timing of the eye incident and the fact that I luckily told a doc about something i thought was trivial may ultimately have saved me from a potential life threatening incident.
I'm certain that if I hadn't been seeing the Doc that following day I wouldn't have reported my eye issue.

Gents, if something doesn't feel quite right, see or tell your Doc.

Moving on, my measurements are up on the last ones.
There may have been some comfort eating involved.;)
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I believe there's a queue or a ticketing system or something. Feel free ;)


Well even with very little exercise, I'm now at 193 which is the lowest I've been for a long time. Cut booze during the weeks and far stricter on the carbs (piqued by a friend who finally came to me for advice and dropped about 6kg in 8 weeks and is freaking ecstatic)

That would leave me 4lb to my target. Jeans nearly fit. This weekend is going to be a bit heavy though. ;)



OK I am IN on this thread....now that being said I already failed as I only read 2 of the 27 pages(!!)...so what do I need to do to be in the group?


OK I am IN on this thread....now that being said I already failed as I only read 2 of the 27 pages(!!)...so what do I need to do to be in the group?
Pretty simple really. Start eating and exercising/living more healthily and set yourself some goals ie weight loss/improved fitness etc.....then post your progress.
Good luck.


OK I am IN on this thread....now that being said I already failed as I only read 2 of the 27 pages(!!)...so what do I need to do to be in the group?

First rule is we don't talk about it :)

Let us know how your weightloss challenge is going. You can post your stats if you want, or not. But we're all here to be supportive. :)



Not been so good recently, this lockdown has had me eating too much bad stuff but the exercise has gone up especially cycling. Net result is 5lbs heavier than I was so going to get back to be being much stricter with the routine and will try to get back to where I was and maybe a bit more