New Alfa Romeo Giulia to replace 159


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Alfa Romeo's next all-new model to be badged Giulia, with the company also planning its first-ever SUV

The next all-new Alfa Romeo, which will effectively replace the 159, will be badged Giulia, according to a source close to the company.

The same source says that Alfa's first SUV will be called the Giulietta Cross. It's thought that this model, likely to be twinned with a new Jeep, could be first to arrive on the market.

Alfa's planned roadster, based on Mazda's MX-5, was to be called the new Duetto. But with new-generation Alfa models likely to be sold under the ‘Made in Milan' tag, the Japanese-built roadster may now morph into an Abarth or Fiat-badged car.

Engines are thought to be selected from the current Giulietta range, but the 237bhp, 1750 engine used in the 4C sports car is also a possibility.

Alfa bosses originally planned to release the Giulia this year, but the project has reportedly hit internal struggles over styling. Head of global design for the Fiat Chrylser Group Lorenzo Ramaciotti has already said the Giulia has been a styling challenge, saying: "There is a lot of expectation, so what we do has to be remarkable but stand the test of time."

As well as design challenges, the team developing the 159 replacement have also had to re-think certain areas in order to make the Giulia a world car. Originally developed with a European focus, a change in priorities following the Fiat-Chrysler merger means the new model will now be sold globally.

Some now believe that Fiat's future hinges on a successful relaunch of Alfa Romeo and Maserati.



Now i like the look of that :)

The SUV has been rumored/on the cards so long, i am beginning to wonder if will actually happen.

Saw another rumor on FB ( so it must be true ;) ) that the new Alfa spider will use a 1.4 turbo lump :eek: