Just to update you on the "Quattroparty" at the Salon Privé Club Trophy by Lockton (I have been asked to use the correct name) at Blenheim Palace on August 31st. Thank you all for buying tickets: the guys at Salon Privé wrote to congratulate me on Maserati ticket sales and suggested at the current rate of sales we could be looking at 60 QPs, one for every year of QP production! That would be something, 60 QPs in one place, of all different models (the QPIIs are like unicorns sadly but we have a Frua Prototype confirmed so almost a II)! The key to getting this huge gathering of QPs is to get the QPV owners to attend: there are so many more Vs than any other model! McGraths and Emblem Motors have combined forces to provide a FOC technical help gazebo at the event, to assist any QP owners with technical issues, and their staff who attend will have extensive knowledge of all QP models. Please spread the word: August 31st Maseratis are free but Salon Privé charge £45 per occupant