Autoficcina Open Day


New Member
Thanks, what i have noticed about driving instructors is they do not teach you to drive, they just teach you to pass the test. I know people who have been on the road for over a year and are sh!te drivers.

Just goes to show how divorced from reality the driving test is. It's a time-worn saying........"pass your test and then learn how to drive". It's little wonder that new (and therefore generally young) drivers are clobbered on their insurance. In spite of shelling out hundreds of ££'s they've not been taught how to drive in relation to every other car that isn't displaying an L plate.

Some classic examples...

I nearly sh1t myself the first time I drove on a wet motorway at night. Passing an artic' was terrifying.
It's actually dangerous to either enter or drive on a motorway below the prevailing speed, whether legal or not. You try finding that in the highway code!
Overtaking on the inside is a fact of life, as is exceeding the speed limit on a motorway.
Dangerous driving comes about not when you ignore the highway code, but when you ignore what those around you are doing.
Decisive but considerate driving behaviour will get you a long way.
Satnav's, in the hands of many drivers, are dangerous.
And the list goes on....

All of this and more besides could be taught, or at least new drivers could be made aware of them with extra assisted driving experience.

Bodes well that you're aware of this Adam. Fingers crossed for you.


Good points Miles......10 yrs at the wheel is what the actuaries reckon it takes to become an experienced driver.....or 100K miles......exercise extreme caution at all times.....always assume those driving around you are idiots, this esteemed forums members exempted............:)