Nicki Lauda


RIP Niki. Always enjoyed his insight on F1 coverage, and his unique perspective.

I believe he was pretty handy behind the wheel too ;)

He'll definitely be missed.


Ages ago I read James Hunts' biography, slightly OT but he has been mentioned.

Was practice at Zandvort and Hunt was out in the car, not really on the pace but trying, anyway, this one lap he doesn't return, remember early 70's no coverage on telly of practice and clock ticks and still no sign. So they fear the worst and call out the fire engines and ambulances and zip round the circuit.

Far end they see James' car off the track, near a tree, and his head over-hanging the cockpit at a hideous angle. Looks bad.

Rolled up and turns out he'd been on the piiss the night before, had enough, parked the car and fell asleep in the cockpit.

Absolute Ledge!