Viva España! 2017 Euro Trip


Junior Member
Well, it was an unexpected pleasure to rock up to Portsmouth harbour yesterday afternoon and be faced with 30? or so Maserati. Sorry I didn't get the name of the chap I spoke to briefly before boarding but I've no doubt anyone within earshot will have a lovely time.

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Junior Member
My last words to Robert the other day was 'enjoy yourself but take care'. WTF why is Benny parked in Front. Frank has definitely got the right idea.


Forum Owner
Hola from Hotel Parador in the Picos de Europa.

We are all up shortly for breakfast then off to Burgos for lunch then on Logrono. It's been a manic 48 hrs and no internet on the 25hr crossing but I'll try and keep you all up with a daily blog but as far as pics go, too many are of Hodroyd in compromising states as you would expect so alas can't post.

DAY 1 - Portsmouth

The dash to the start for me was fraught. We did make it but just too much to organise.

We all met down in Port Solent for a meet and greet at 2 then shot off to the port next door. We all made it on the the Cap Finistere at got away on time. The boat was really good, lots of bars and eating places and I thought the food was really good. Drinks were silly cheap so as you can guess, we all took full advantage.

This went on with the final stragglers coaxing Hodroyd back to his cabin after he had been a sleep in the bar for 3hrs. Turned in at 3:30am.

DAY 2:

Not a great nights sleep for me but a lazy day on the boat was a welcome one. It did drag a bit in the end but on the whole a great crossing.

We docked about 5:30 and all headed for the hotel some 2hrs away. There was no way 20 cars were going to stay together and as the group collectively nominated me to go in front, I just nodded and buggered off and left them. Krishna and Benny/Sue managed to cling on so we pushed on down the motorway. After about an hour we turned off and headed into the 'twisty bits'. You couldn't get much speed up due to the narrowness of the mountain carved roads and long tails of traffic, so we had to entertain ourselves in the towns with our 'audible' arrival. Loads of thumbs up from the locals.

We arrived at Hotel Parador in The Picas de Europe in dribs and drabs without incident with a spirited blat at the end. Brilliant hotel, great food and bar staff that couldn't add up so charged is €100 for all 30 of us, a couple of rounds and €7 a head for all the drink during the meal. I think we had 9 bottles on our table between 8 of us.

It moved to a lounge up stairs where Rob passed out and got put in various compromising situations with 'Mandy' the images are too horrific to post. Turned in at a sensible 2am.

That's it for now, more to come but it's all going brilliantly!


Hope you managed to go up the cable car.

Isn't the location and views amazing?

Better give the guy who recommended it to you a pint.

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Very small world indeed chaps - we were in the queue yesterday evening awaiting boarding at Santander after a week long epic driving trip through Spain and Portugal - admittedly in the TVR and not the Stradale - but made my day to see you (and hear) all dis-embarking.

I cannot understate how good the roads and welcome in Spain are - we have covered 1600 miles in 7 days of driving and went deep into both countries finding, in our groups view, the best roads we have found in Europe after 12 yrs of doing these type of trips. This was our third time in Spain and first in Portugal and the latter deeply impressed. Paradors also the way to go whenever in Spain. Have a fantastic trip - you will do :)



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Forum Owner
Finished...the trip and defiantly me, stick a fork in me, I am DONE!

Pics to follow, it was a most hilarious 10 days but am paying for it now.


may be a good idea to get some sort of storage for photos so we can share between us - ill leave that to someone who knows about those things

Doris made it home but door regulator fell apart on the M25 maybe didnt like the weather!


Forum Owner
may be a good idea to get some sort of storage for photos so we can share between us - ill leave that to someone who knows about those things

Doris made it home but door regulator fell apart on the M25 maybe didnt like the weather!

I believe Stevo is setting up a DropBox, he has everyones email addresses, look out for it in your email.


Special case
His lordship made it home indeed I believe everyone except Roger & his Mrs & Jeanette & I are home, we are not back till Thursday night.