The good morning thread


Chief pedant
.... Also had fox but that tasted mainly of petrol!

Cormorant too. Recipe below:

First, shoot your cormorant.

Having shot your cormorant, hold it well away from you as you carry it home . . . these birds are exceedingly verminous and the lice are said to be not entirely host-specific.

Hang up by the feet with a piece of wire, soak in petrol and set on fire. This treatment both removes most of the feathers and kills the lice.

When the smoke has cleared away, take the cormorant down and cut off the beak. Send this to the local Conservancy Board who, if you are in the right area, will give you 3/6d or sometimes 5/- for it. Bury the carcass, preferably in a light sandy soil, and leave it there for a fortnight. This is said to improve the flavour by removing, in part at least, the taste of rotting fish.

Dig up, skin and draw the bird. Place in a strong salt and water solution and soak for 48 hours.

Remove, dry, and stuff with whole, unpeeled onions . . . the onion skins are supposed to bleach the meat to a small extent so that it is very dark brown instead of being entirely black.

Simmer gently in seawater - to which two tbsp of chloride of lime have been added - for six hours. This has a further tenderising effect. Take out of the water and allow to dry. Meanwhile, mix up a stiff paste of methylated spirit and curry powder. Spread this mixture liberally over the breast of the bird. Finally, roast in a very hot oven for three hours.

The result is unbelievable.

Throw it away. Not even a starving vulture would eat it.


Tell that to the South Eastern Asia countries... they love dogs and cats, esp with BBQ Sauce

Dogs are omnivores. As are (apparently) Crocodiles and alligators. And foxes. Although by the definition I just read cats could be considered omnivorous as well so <shrug>

Another myth busted. The devil vomits on my eiderdown once more :D



Good Morning (UTC!) .

Do Vegans feed their cats a plant based diet?
I'm sure the cat feels it necessary to supplement their diet with mice and other offerings? Do the vegans then try to educate said cat on the damage it's doing to the environment?
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You lot are so funny.
Back from safely dropping them off in Dinan.
175 miles done in the Renault 4 and she flew.
Love looking at people's faces as I pass them at 140 kilometres on the highway in their modern boxes.
Had an Italian Crepe for lunch and now finishing the Jaguar off ready for tomorrow.


Do Vegans feed their cats a plant based diet?

Some do. Generally regarded as a bad idea since cats are obligate carnivores. It is possible and there are vegan cat foods which are fortified with the essential proteins and amino acids they need but just about every credible source I've ever read advises against it



Some do. Generally regarded as a bad idea since cats are obligate carnivores. It is possible and there are vegan cat foods which are fortified with the essential proteins and amino acids they need but just about every credible source I've ever read advises against it

Which defeats a vegan's argument...I'm an obligate carnivore.


Have had crocodile, looks a bit like tuna, tastes a bit like chicken. Also had fox but that tasted mainly of petrol!
Never eaten dog or cat, but have smelt them cooking while in S Korea and Vietnam, it is a really horrible smell. Also the trucks on the roads piled high with live dogs struggling for breathing space on their way to the slaughter Is very off putting. But has never put me off a bacon butty.


Morning all the last preparations for coming over.
My hose came yesterday from Autodoc can't fault them here in France for quality and price etc.
Stay Safe all.91919