Viva Tea Party or Bust - September 2022


Casualty no 3. :(Sudden coolant loss having just conquered Mont Ventoux. Probably pipe of doom at the back of the engine. Amazingly Matt has the replacement and willing to dismantle everything to fix by the side of the road! However have decided to play safe and join the other 2 hire cars for the rest of the trip. Fun and games!
Sorry to hear that, what a pain.


Forum Owner
yes 3 failure of the older 4.2’s sadly

1 x clutch collapse
1 x f1 pump failure
1 x pipe of doom split

the later I had and was willing to take all the scuttle and plenum off and replace but as the breakdown would only pickup and drop once, the chance of possible head gasket or other complication would have left the owner having to arrange and pay for his own repatriation it was risky and rightly declined.

It happens to us all at some point, myself a clutch collapse on my grey GS, they are all in hire cars now, smiling again and stripping somebody else’s tyres.